Directory of Theban Archaeological Missions (DoTAM): call for participation

15 mars 2023 par Jérémy Hourdin
The CFEETK is happy to launch the DoTAM project - the Directory of Theban Archaeological Missions.

 .دليل البعثات الأثرية في طيبة- DoTAM إطلاق مشروع CFEETK يسر المركز المصرى الفرنسي لدراسة معابد الكرنك

The DoTAM (Directory of Theban Archaeological Missions) initiative aims to facilitate communication between the researchers working in Luxor. The directory will list the archaeological missions on both banks of the ancient Thebes, and will include the main information, research topics or contacts for each of them. We hope it will stimulate the scientific exchanges and why not give birth new collaborations.

The first edition of the DoTAM will be publish along with the proceedings of the Theban Archaeology Meeting 2022 next year.
In the future, this directory shall be also accessible online and will be updated year after year.

If you wish to participate in this project, you can download here the application form. Once completed, please return it to us at this email address.

Feel free to share widely! All the Theban research community is welcome!

! لا تتردد في المشاركة على نطاق واسع! نرحب بكل أطياف الباحثين في طيبة

DoTAM contact / جهة الاتصال بـ DoTAM هي :

Theban Archaeology Meeting - Luxor 18-19 Nov 2022 — TAM Team and speakers
Photo of the final session of the TAM 2022 with colleagues of all around Thebes

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