Suivez toutes les actualités du CFEETK.
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Preservation and Transmission of Archeological Heritage Symposium 2025: Announcement and Call for Communications
Announcement and call for communications for a new conference at Luxor in February 2025: the Preservation and Transmission of Archeological Heritage symposium (deadline: by 14th of August 2024).
Lecture by Dr. Mona Ali Abady: "Favissae or Proper Burial. The Significance of Secondary Context Sacred Caches in Ancient Egypt and Nubia"
lecture at German House Qurna, Thursday, 28th of March 2024, 07:45pm
Conférences : "Les temples de Karnak : des fouilles au musée (Egypte)", Les Midis de l'archéologie, Musée du Louvre, 4 mars 2024
Historique, activités et projets du Centre franco-égyptien d’étude des temples de Karnak : recherche, aménagement et musée de site.
The Northern and Southern Heliopoleis conference (12-13th Feb., Cairo)
Announcement of the '"The Northern and Southern Heliopoleis" conference to be held in Cairo on 12 and 13 February.
Meilleurs voeux / Best wishes 2024!
Meilleurs voeux pour 2024 !
Retour sur l'événement "What's Happening in Karnak?" #1 (26 octobre 2023)
1re soirée conférences à la Maison française de Karnak / New event at the French house at Karnak, lectures about work currently being carried out at Karnak
Le workshop "Conducting Scientific Research in Egyptology: Tools and Methods" en images (Karnak, 17-19 septembre 2023)
The CFEETK, in collaboration with Ifao and the MoTA/SCA Central Training Unit, organised a 3-day workshop: "Conducting Scientific Research in Egyptology: Tools and Methods".
Appel à contribution pour les Cahiers de Karnak 18
Cahiers de Karnak 18, call for papers !