Theban Archaeology Meeting 2022

20 octobre 2022 par Jérémy Hourdin
The CFEETK is very pleased to organise a new event at Luxor, the Theban Archaeology Meeting on the 18th and 19th of November at Luxor Mummification Museum. During these two days, many missions working on both banks of Luxor will meet and share their latest work and news. 23 lectures and 14 posters on the programme!

لقاء طيبة الأثري لقاء طيبة الأثري، 18-19 نوفمبر 2022-الأقصر-متحف التحنيط، 23 ندوة حول البعثات الأثرية المصرية والدولية في الأقصر

Please find below all the information about TAM 2022, the programme and the registration form to attend: (Edit: Closed, 16 nov.)

Programme and Abtracts: HERE

Online registration form to attend: HERE (Edit 16 nov.: registration closed)

This online registration is required to attend the conference! *


Registration form to view the conference online: HERE
After registration, you will receive a Zoom link about 24 hours before the start of each conference day.  Please note that no questions can be asked online to the speakers.


Contact: thebanarchaeologymeeting (a)


Theban Archaeology Meeting — Luxor — 18-19 November 2022

TAM2022 is organised by the CFEETK (MoTA/CNRS) and supported by : LabEx ARCHIMEDE, the French Institute in Egypt, the French Embassy in Egypt and Ifao.

The CFEETK is looking forward to meeting you all soon in Luxor!


* : If the conference hall capacity is exceeded, the organisers may temporarily restrict access.