PTAH Symposium – Program and registration

22 janvier 2025 par Jérémy Hourdin
PTAH Symposium, 7-8 February 2025 at Luxor, Mummification Museum. Program and registration

The PTAH Symposium (Preservation and Transmission of Archaeological Heritage) Organising Committee and the CFEETK are very pleased to announce the complete program of this conference about the conservation-restoration in the Theban area. It will be held on February 7 and 8 in Luxor (Mummification Museum).

Program of PTAH Symposium (PDF version) : LINK

Please note that registration is required to attend PTAH Symposium – in person (at the Mummification Museum of Luxor) or online. Please complete this form: (registrations closed)


PTAH Symposium - affiche-poster

PTAH Symposium Organising Committee:
Mohamed Gad Ahmed, chief of conservation at the temples of Karnak and the temple of Luxor, MoTA
Zeinab Mohsen, chief of conservation of the temple of Amun in Karnak, MoTA
Agnès Oboussier, head of conservation at CFEETK – UAR 3172 CNRS
Manon Lefèvre, freelance conservator and CFEETK collaborator
– Dr. Laura Bontemps, associate researcher to URM MAP, postdoctorate at UMR Héritages and CFEETK collaborator
Bianca Madden, freelance conservator and ARCE collaborator

PTAH Symposium is part of the scientific program of the “Fonds Équipe France Karnak” project (supported by the MoTA-SCA, the French Embassy in Egypt, MEAE)

Our partners:
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt and the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt (MoTA-SCA)
French Embassy in Egypt, Cairo and the MEAE
LabEx ARCHIMEDE (« France 2030 », ANR-11 LABEX-0032-01), Montpellier, France
Fonds Khéops pour l’archéologie, Paris, France
Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Ifao), Cairo


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