The PTAH Symposium (Preservation and Transmission of Archaeological Heritage) Organising Committee and the CFEETK are very pleased to announce the complete program of this conference about the conservation-restoration in the Theban area. It will be held on February 7 and 8 in Luxor (Mummification Museum).
Program of PTAH Symposium (PDF version) : LINK
Please note that registration is required to attend PTAH Symposium – in person (at the Mummification Museum of Luxor) or online. Please complete this form: (registrations closed)
PTAH Symposium Organising Committee:
– Mohamed Gad Ahmed, chief of conservation at the temples of Karnak and the temple of Luxor, MoTA
– Zeinab Mohsen, chief of conservation of the temple of Amun in Karnak, MoTA
– Agnès Oboussier, head of conservation at CFEETK – UAR 3172 CNRS
– Manon Lefèvre, freelance conservator and CFEETK collaborator
– Dr. Laura Bontemps, associate researcher to URM MAP, postdoctorate at UMR Héritages and CFEETK collaborator
– Bianca Madden, freelance conservator and ARCE collaborator
— PTAH Symposium is part of the scientific program of the “Fonds Équipe France Karnak” project (supported by the MoTA-SCA, the French Embassy in Egypt, MEAE)
Our partners:
– Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt and the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt (MoTA-SCA)
– French Embassy in Egypt, Cairo and the MEAE
– LabEx ARCHIMEDE (« France 2030 », ANR-11 LABEX-0032-01), Montpellier, France
– Fonds Khéops pour l’archéologie, Paris, France
– Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Ifao), Cairo